F01 鮮製杏汁漳洲銀耳燉花膠 (甜品)
食材: 鮮製杏汁(龍皇杏), 北海道富良野3.6牛奶, 漳洲銀耳, 百合, 蓮子
功效: 龍皇杏富含維生素和礦物質,有助於潤肺止咳、養顏美容。漳洲銀耳有滋陰潤肺、清熱利尿的作用。百合和蓮子可以清熱安神、益智健腦。高品質的北海道富良野3.6牛奶提供豐富的鈣質和蛋白質,有助於提高免疫力。
F01 Double-boiled Fish Maw with Homemade Almond Cream (Dessert)
Ingredients: Homemade Almond Cream, Hokkaido Furano 3.6 Milk, Snow Fungus, Lily Bulbs, Lotus Seeds
Benefits: Sweet Apricot Kernel are rich in vitamins and minerals, which help to moisten the lungs, relieve coughs, and nourish the skin for beauty. Zhangzhou tremella has the effects of nourishing yin, moistening the lungs, clearing heat. Lilies and lotus seeds can clear heat, calm the mind, and benefit intelligence and brain health. High-quality Hokkaido Furano 3.6 milk provides abundant calcium and protein, which helps to improve immunity.
F01 鮮製杏汁漳洲銀耳燉花膠 (甜品)
- 買滿$500免運費只適用於非指定時間送貨,成功購買後會於1至3個工作天內經由第三方冷運或速遞配送公司寄出,送貨時間會由他們的司機安排。
- 客人如有要求指定某日子及時間送貨則需要付額外運費(運費則視乎地區而定,大約$70-$150不等,如買滿$1500可免),我們會盡量安排在你所選擇的時段內送到。冷運則需要最少提前48小時通知。