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F12 秘魯黑瑪卡黨參燉花膠湯 (咸湯)

食材: 秘魯黑瑪卡, 東北黨參, 非洲紅螺頭, 廣西桂圓, 寧夏杞子, 生曬淮山, 茶樹菇
功效: 秘魯黑瑪卡有增強體力、提高免疫力的作用,是天然的能量補充劑。東北黨參可以補氣養血、增強體質。北海道元貝富含優質蛋白質和微量元素,有滋補強身的功效。廣西桂圓可以補血安神、養心益智。生曬淮山可以健脾益氣、養陰潤肺。


F12 Double-boiled Fish Maw with Maca and Condonopsis (Soup)

Ingredients: Maca, Condonopsis, Dried Conch, Longan Meat, Wolfberries, Chinese Yam, Agrocybe Aegerita

Benefits: Peruvian black maca has the effects of enhancing physical strength and improving immunity. It is a natural energy supplement. Northeast Codonopsis (dangshen) can replenish qi, nourish blood, and enhance physical fitness. Hokkaido scallops are rich in high-quality protein and trace elements, which have the effects of nourishing and strengthening the body. Guangxi longan can nourish the blood, calm the mind, nourish the heart, and benefit intelligence. Sun-dried yam can strengthen the spleen, replenish qi, nourish yin, and moisten the lungs.


F12 秘魯黑瑪卡黨參燉花膠湯 (咸湯)

    • 買滿$500免運費只適用於非指定時間送貨,成功購買後會於1至3個工作天內經由第三方冷運或速遞配送公司寄出,送貨時間會由他們的司機安排。
    • 客人如有要求指定某日子及時間送貨則需要付額外運費(運費則視乎地區而定,大約$70-$150不等,如買滿$1500可免),我們會盡量安排在你所選擇的時段內送到。冷運則需要最少提前48小時通知。


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