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F11 塞舌爾群島海底椰川貝燉花膠湯 (咸湯)

食材: 塞舌爾群島海底椰, 四川川貝, 金絲棗, 百合, 新鮮椰子, 栗子, 生曬淮山

功效: 塞舌爾群島海底椰含有豐富的礦物質和微量元素,如鉀、鎂、鐵等,有助於滋補強身、增強體質。四川川貝有清肺化痰、補腎壯陽的作用,是名貴的補品。金絲棗可以補中益氣、滋養肝腎。百合有清熱安神、益智健腦的功效。新鮮椰子富含椰子油,有助於增強免疫力、促進新陳代謝。栗子含有豐富的維生素和礦物質,可以補腎健脾、強身健體。生曬淮山可以健脾益氣、養陰潤肺。 


F11 Double-boiled Fish Maw with Lodoicea Maldivica and Sichuan Fritillary Bulb (Soup)

Ingredients: Lodoicea Maldivica, Sichuan Fritillary Bulb, Sweet Dates, Lily Bulbs, Coconut, Chestnut, Dried Chinese Yam

Benefits: Seychelles coco de mer (sea coconut) contains rich minerals and trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium, iron, etc., which help to nourish and strengthen the body, as well as enhance physical fitness. Sichuan fritillary bulb has the effects of clearing the lungs, resolving phlegm, tonifying the kidneys, and strengthening yang. It is a precious tonic. Sweet Dates can tonify the middle, replenish qi, and nourish the liver and kidneys. Lilies have the effects of clearing heat, calming the mind, and benefiting intelligence and brain health. Fresh coconuts are rich in coconut oil, which helps to enhance immunity and promote metabolism. Chestnuts contain abundant vitamins and minerals, which can tonify the kidneys, strengthen the spleen, and invigorate the body. Sun-dried yam can strengthen the spleen, replenish qi, nourish yin, and moisten the lungs.

F11 塞舌爾群島海底椰川貝燉花膠湯 (咸湯)

    • 買滿$500免運費只適用於非指定時間送貨,成功購買後會於1至3個工作天內經由第三方冷運或速遞配送公司寄出,送貨時間會由他們的司機安排。
    • 客人如有要求指定某日子及時間送貨則需要付額外運費(運費則視乎地區而定,大約$70-$150不等,如買滿$1500可免),我們會盡量安排在你所選擇的時段內送到。冷運則需要最少提前48小時通知。


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